Compassionate End-Of-Life Care in Hillsboro, IL

At Hillsboro Advanced Veterinary Care, we know that every decision you make is in the best interest of your pet child. For this reason, we want you to know that we support you, and that we will guide you in finding the best way to ensure your pet’s well-being. We are with you every step of the way.

When the unfortunate time comes for pets to cross over the rainbow bridge, we know that you might still want to keep them close to your heart. That is why we take care to make clay pawprints for our clients to have a lasting memory of their beloved pet. We also work closely with Homeward Bound Pet Crematory and Cemetery for gentle and kind care of your pets remains. They have options for communal cremation or private cremation with return of the ashes in an engraved urn.

Symptoms That Indicate Quality Life Has Been Greatly Diminished:

  • Chronic Coughing
  • Labored Breathing
  • Regular Incontinence
  • Extremely Lethargic Behavior to the Point That They Do Not Seem Interested in Playing, Walking, Eating or Even Being Petted by Their Loved Ones
  • Hard Time Moving Around
  • Appetite Loss
  • Chronic Pain That Cannot Be Managed With Medication

When Is Euthanasia the Best Option?

One of the hardest decisions that you will have to make as a pet parent is choosing euthanasia, but sometimes this is the best choice for your beloved four-footed companion; especially when they are severely injured or extremely ill. In these cases euthanasia is the best option since it will prevent them from suffering.

How to Know When the Time Has Come?

The best way to answer this question is by asking yourself the following question: “Does my pet have more bad days than good days?” If the answer is yes, then euthanasia might be the best way to make your pet more comfortable.

What About a Natural Death?

The natural dying process may result in a too long and painful experience depending on your pet’s condition, while with euthanasia your pet will feel more comfortable and will stop suffering all at once.

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